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October 27, 2016 0

3 Ways to Ensure You Negotiate the Best Compensation for a Job Offer


There is an old saying…”life is always a negotiation”.  However, when it comes to negotiating the best salary possible that negotiation can become tricky.  Most job seekers choose to negotiate the salary, often forgetting about the benefits and perks that come with the job opportunity. The most successful compensation negotiations strike a find balance.

When you are looking to negotiate your compensation with your prospective company, these three tactics will help you succeed.

  1. Know You’re Value to the Company

Get to know what the position entails and whether it’s a good match for you before delving into compensation. Ask lots of questions to find out whether the position aligns with your values, character, and skill set.  Be sure to understand the full value of the offer they are offering you.  This includes salary, perks, benefits, bonus, etc.  Remember, there is a value to each of these perks and you need to evaluate the total compensation value against how much you can bring to the company.

During your interview, be sure to use your personal strengths and what you know about the job to establish your worth. If you see areas in which you can excel and bring additional value to the role, your potential negotiating position strengthens.

  1. Align You Performance with the Compensation

During most interviews, the interviewer will ask you what compensation you are looking for in this job.  This is often a difficult question for interviewees and they struggle to articulate their value. Try to align your compensation with the overall performance of the company, especially if it’s a smaller company. That’ll be music to your potential employer’s ears and can lead to an easy compensation negotiation.

  1. Evaluate All Elements, Not Just Economic

Evaluating your job compensation should include more than the dollar amount. For most of us, the work-life balance is important.  Before going to an interview, evaluate how you can assist the prospect company with their goals and how the company will fit into your life goals.  Consider whether you’ll be invested enough to go above and beyond the call of duty in this role. If you feel like you can, bring that enthusiasm to the bargaining table. Knowing you’ll be passionate about the position makes salary negotiations less important, but it also helps ensure the likelihood of your long-term success, both financially and emotionally.



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