What is Your Body Language Saying…At Work?
Body language reveals a lot about a person. Your body language at work….how professional interact conveys a lot to your peers and manager.
So what does your body language say about you?
Body Language #1: Leaning back in your chair
What It Says About You: It says you are leaving forward into a problem. Don’t lean backwards because it shows that you’re alienating.
Body Language #2: Crossing your arms in a meeting
What It Says About You: Crossing your arms shows you are cut off from receiving ideas…you are defensive. If your body position is open, you are open to receiving new ideas and what people are saying.]
Body Language #3: Gesturing with your hands
What It Says About You: Gesturing with open palms shows you are honest and sensitive.
Body Language #4: Tapping your pen on the table
What It Says About You: This shows you are impatient or in discomfort
Body Language #5: Licking your lips
What It Says About You: Chewing on your lips or licking your lips shows you are nervous and /or bored
Body Language #6: Stretching or yawning.
What It Says About You: Stretching or rubbing you head in meetings signals that you’re bored.