Tag Archives: IT jobs

My Boss is Hinting I Should Quit—Now What?


At some point in your career, you’ll question whether you’re on the right path. When your boss starts questioning your career path, it’s time to take a serious look at what you’re doing and why.

If your boss makes a suggestion that you may want to look for another job, there are a few steps you can take to find your next career move.

1: Assess What You Really Want

The first thing to do in this case is to step back and consider what direction you want to go in your career with this company.  Be honest with yourself by asking “do you really want this job?” There is no reason to fight for something that no longer excited you.

2: Meet With Your Manager

After you evaluate your job and career path and decide you want to stay with your company, schedule a time to meet with your manager and discuss how you can move forward. This is a good time to talk about what issues the management team sees, where they feel you fit best within the company and what you’d like to do.  During the meeting, you should share not only what you want moving forward, but also how you plan to address the original issue.

3: Create a Plan

What if you decide that you really don’t want to be in this job anymore?  You have two options, stay and wait for things to improve or start looking for a new positon.  Either way, you should evaluate your career and where/what your next role should include—you don’t want to make a bad decision.  Finally, create plan for your registration.  Evaluate the timing, insurance transitions and your registration.



3 Reasons You Haven’t Been Promoted

So, you’ve been at your company for 2 years and you are eyeing a promotion.  You are first to arrive and the last to leave the office and you consistently hear positive feedback on your performance.  Why haven’t you received a promotion yet?

There are many factors besides performance at play when it comes to getting promoted.

1. Become Your Own Fan

One of the major reasons people get passed over for a promotion is they don’t’ speak up.  Many people make the mistake of minimizing their accomplishments and efforts.  Become your own fan or cheerleader–take credit where credit is due, and people will begin to recognize your achievements.

2. You Didn’t Let Your Boss Know You Want a Promotion

It may sound obvious, but you might be surprised at how few people come out and directly tell their manager that they’re interested in a promotion.  Often employees are content in their current role, so if you don’t tell your boss you are interested in a promotion, he or she may never know.  Ask your manager’s guidance to understand what the promotion would entail and how you can demonstrate you are worthy of that promotion.

3. You Assume Promotions Are Based on Tenure

You may routinely see coworkers getting promoted after they hit a specific work anniversary, but don’t mistake their tenure for being the reason they were promoted.  Most often their promotion is not tied to their years of service, but instead to an increased accountability that results in their promotion.




3 Questions to Ask During an Interview to Determine Stress

Most of us experience stress during our work week.  However, some people experience an extreme amount of workplace stress daily.  It’s no wonder, more job hunters are looking for roles and positions that offer low stress day-to day.

If you’ve already tried to balance your stress at your current job, it may be time to start interviewing for a new one. Unfortunately, sometimes asking questions about workload can give the impression you want to slack off.  Here are three questions that will help you determine the stress level for prospective roles/positions.

#1: Why is this position open?

Asking this question will help you understand the role in terms of the overall company and team.  Often jobs are created because there is a new need in the company.  However, sometimes the role is a replacement, Understanding why someone left this role can help you determine what’s expected and the anticipated stress level.

#2: Tell me about the typical day-to-day of this position.

Not only is this interview question a great way to see if the job will line up with your skills, but it also will give you an idea of who you’ll be interacting with and what you’ll be doing on a daily basis. Look out for phrases like “it depends”. This shows that the role is evolving and changing every day and this can be a sign of potential stress.

#3: What defines success for this position?

This is an all-around exceptional question to ask a prospective employer because it allows you to clearly identify the job expectations. However, it also works to scan for a stressful job because it allows you to assess how stressful the clearly defined goals will be to achieve.

Stress in the workplace often occurs when you’re responsible for things you cannot control. Understanding what defines success for the position will allow you to assess whether or not that role is empowered to actually achieve those results.

l the job will be. In your next interview, be sure to ask these interview questions to gauge just how stressful a new job might be in the future


Become a Morning Person—5 Steps


Are you not a morning person?  Do you struggle to get your day started?  If so, it’s time you transform the way you start your workday so that you’ll have more energy, be more focused and ready for success. Here are 5 early morning habits to start today.

1. Breakfast

Breakfast can be a time acclimate to your day.  Eat breakfast at home and use it as a time for quiet reflection.  Eat break at home, instead of on the go, will help you start your day out on the right note.

2. Time for Quiet Reflection

Taking time to reflect on the big issues, you upcoming day, etc can help you be prepared for anything.  Millionaires site quiet reflection as one of their keys to success, when they are surveyed.

3. Spend Time with Family

Most of us are extremely busy and getting precious time with our family is difficult Spending time with loved ones is a boost that powers many successful people through the day. This will help you get closer to the work-life balance you are pushing for and can often make your day go faster and smoother.

4. Prioritization

Writing down the top tasks you want to get done for the day isn’t new. Setting priorities in the morning helps keep yourself accountable during the day.  Putting this list in a visible place can help you push to complete those top tasks.

5. Exercise

Exercising in the morning pumps the body with endorphins and boosts energy levels throughout the day. Your exercise routine doesn’t have to be two hours, but even a short walk or yoga class can be energize you through the day.



Are You Happy at Work? 4 Clues


These days there is a lot of conversation about employee satisfaction and happiness.  Company consistently evaluate and add perks and benefits in an attempt to achieve this happiness.  Unlimited time off, flexible work schedules, and even stocked break rooms are some of the ways companies work to ensure their employees are happy and love their jobs.

Here are some clues to help you determine if you love your job and are happy:


1.     Passion—if you feel passionate about your job already, congratulations.  However, for many people the passion for their job is harder to quantify.  Take some time to evaluate your job and task that you love or feel passionate about.  Once you identify the areas of your job that make you happy, ask your manager to increase those responsibilities.  This will help you increase the areas of your positon you feel passionate about and create more happiness.

2.     Independence—everyone wants a job that offers a little bit of flexibility, whether that’s the opportunity to choose roles on projects, the ability work from home or go to your child’s school pay.   This flexibility can help with your work life balance and make your job happier.

3.     Cultural Fit—this term gets used too much, but creating friendships at work and having camaraderie can help you find happiness at work.

4.     Compensation—we all want to be valued for the work we perform.  This compensation includes not only your salary, but benefits and perks.  Money alone can’t buy happiness at work, but being under compensated can quickly lead to discontent.




3 Tips to Transition from Fulltime to Contract Roles


Most people feel comfortable in a fulltime, permanent role. It represents security and comes with benefits.  However, contract role can be a great deal.  In this economic client, contract roles are becoming more common place.  By their nature, they allow you the flexibility and often more growth potential than a full time, permanent role.  Additionally, seeking contract roles through a staffing or agency can give you the benefits (like health insurance and 401k) and security of a full time role with the added benefits of contracting. 

If you are ready to make the transition from full time employee to contractor, there are some tips to help.

1. Be Up Front

Before anything else, you should make it clear that you’re interested in a contract position during the interview.  Many companies may ask why you are moving from full time to contact.  Remember to discuss the growth potential and flexibility.

2. Become Indispensable

It goes without saying that a company want contracts to outperform their expectations, but even meeting the expectations of your role isn’t always enough. To truly stand out (especially as a contractor, you should work to stand out by working hard and exceeding expectations.

3. Make Sure to Mingle

Sometimes, contract workers make the mistake of isolating themselves from colleagues since they don’t see themselves as a “real” team member. This is a missed opportunity.  When you are part of the team, companies will want to extend your contract.  This can create long term contract opportunity and allow you to create personal connections that will go a long way in your career.


4 Tips for a Successful Skype Interview


  1. Take Care of the Technology Ahead of Time—Make sure you’ve downloaded, installed, and tested Skype’s app well before your interview is scheduled. Ask your friend to have video chats with you to test your video and audio connections.  This will ensure that you don’t have a technology glitch during the interview.
  2. Rehearse— spend some time rehearsing your Skye interview. Be sure to look directly in the camera.  Sometimes, candidates struggle to look into the camera and they can look disinterested during the interview.
  3. Prepare your environment—Find a quiet room with a good internet for your interview. Position yourself in front of a blank wall.  Art of pictures behind you can be distracting to your interviewer.  Be sure to remove pets and turn off your cell phone and instant messaging so nothing distracts you.
  4. Dress up–Put on the same clothes you’d wear if you were going to interview in-person. If the company is formal, wear a jacket and tie for men or a suit jacket for women. If it’s more laid back, wear a business casual shirt or blouse.

Are You Dressing for Success…During Your Job Interview?


We all know that your appearance is the first thing people notice, especially during an interview. With the tech startups on the rise, more job seekers moved to a more casual attire for interviews.  However, more and more interviewers expect that job seekers dress professionally during the interview process.    What’s appropriate attire depends on the industry…interviewing at a bank is different from interviewing at a gaming company.  So, do your research to understand the company’s culture and attire standards.  If you are unsure, you can always ask the company’s HR department or your recruiter.  However, the best rule is always to dress more conservatively.


Tips for all candidates:


  • Wear a conservative two-piece business suit (solid dark blue or grey is best)
  • Wear a conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse (white is best, pastel is next best)
  • Clean, polished conservative shoes
  • Well-groomed hairstyle
  • Clean, trimmed fingernails
  • Minimal cologne or perfume
  • Empty pockets—no bulges or tinkling coins
  • Avoid gum, candy, or cigarettes
  • No visible body piercings or tattoos

Creating a Social Brand for Your Job Search



So, we all know of corporate brands.  We see their logos in commercials, on billboards and even on clothing, like t-shirts.  However, we are less familiar with personal social brands.  Your social brand is your identity online and in social media.  Most of us have some social media imprint, but haven’t consciously considered our individual social brand.  This social brand is always important, but never more than when you are looking for a new job.


Why Build a Social Brand?

  1. Companies are already researching you online—these days most companies look for you online through avenues like Linkedin and Facebook. Most companies and hiring manger consider it a red flag if they can’t find you at all online.  With a bit of work on your personal brand, you can control what companies learn about you without looking like you are trying to hide something.
  2. Attract new opportunities and establish your credibility—Personal social branding is another form of networking. We all know that networking can help in our job searching.  So, use your social brand to identify yourself has an expert in your field by blogging.  This will promote your personal brand and also your professional skills

How to Begin Establishing Your Social Brand

  1. Determine your brand—this is the most basic step, but usually the hardest and most important. Think about what you want people to find when they search for you online.
  2. Compare yourself—don’t just Google yourself, search other people to see their social network, the tools they use and the areas they look to influence. Look at what is already out there and see how you can leverage it to define you as a person, showcase your talents, and introduce people to you as an employee.
  3. Showcase your brand–Make sure your social network profiles are up-to-date with work information and skill sets. If you have a website, connect to your LinkedIn and Twitter, and vice-versa. Craft your brand while keeping in mind your goals for your career and reputation.
  4. Be active—always keep your online presence up to date—it represents you. Be sure to regularly update your website and online resume.

Top IT Jobs in 2017


  1. Computer System Analyst

Computer systems analysts must have a diverse skill set. The position requires information technology and business knowledge. These analysts custom design computer systems and processes for clients.


Median Salary-$82,710


  1. Software Developer

Software developers need to be innovative, creative and, of course, technical in order to succeed in this field. They might write new code or fix bugs in code to make it work better.


Median Salary-$95,510


  1. Web Developer

Web developers create everything you see on your favorite websites, from the special effects to the search functionality.


Median Salary-$63,490


  1. IT Manager

The digital workplace demands more IT managers, who coordinate computer-related activities for an organization.  IT Mangers’ tasks include analyzing and recommending computer needs, installing and maintaining computer hardware and software, securing an office’s network and electronic documents and searching for new technologies and upgrade opportunities.


Median Salary-$127,640


  1. Information Security Analyst


As concern about cybersecurity and privacy grows, so does the demand for information security analysts.   These professionals are responsibilities include preparing and implementing security measures that protect a company’s computer networks and systems.


Median Salary-$88,890




**Source of data—US News and World Report Job Rankings

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