Monthly Archives: May 2016

20 Most Common Interview Questions


Preparing for an interview can be the difference between success and failure.  One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to practice your interview questions and answers.  This will help you hone your answers.

We have complied 20 of the most common interview questions below.  Practice your answers so you will feel comfortable and put your best foot forward.

  1. Do you live close by?
  2. Are you willing to relocate?
  3. What are your strengths?
  4. What are your weaknesses?
  5. What do you think you bring to (insert name of company here)?
  6. What made you leave your last role?
  7. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.
  8. Tell me about a time you made a mistake and how you fixed it.
  9. What would you accomplish in the first 30/60/90 days?
  10. Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.
  11. What’s your dream job?
  12. Tell me about your educational background
  13. Can you work more than 40 hours per week?
  14. What’s your availability?
  15. Who are our competitors?
  16. What motivates you?
  17. What would your direct reports say about you?
  18. What are your hobbies?
  19. What questions haven’t I asked you?
  20. What questions do you have for me?






5 Salary Negotiation Tips


Are you expecting job offers?  Are you hoping for a raise?  Salary negotiation can make anyone nervous and anxious.   Here are 5 tips for negotiating your salary.

  1. Don’t Accept the First Offer

Once you get your first offer, don’t immediately say “yes”.   IT’s natural to want to accept the first offer you receive. Instead, thank the company for the offer and ask for 24-48 hours.  Take this time to evaluate the offer to determine if it is fair.  After you’ve made your decision, approach the employer with your counteroffer.  Be ready to negotiate a higher salary.


  1. Don’t Over Share

During your salary negotiation, wait for the employer to make their offer.   Unless the employer asks what your expected salary is, don’t provide a number until requested. Patients is the key — be patient and wait for the employer to present their salary based on their evaluation of your experience and skills.


  1. Don’t Get Emotional

The salary negotiation process is a high wire act and can be very stressful.  Don’t let your stress affect the process.  Remember to be professional and positive at all times.

  1. Find a Balance Between You Salary Goals and Your Employers Budget

The most important rule in salary negotiations is knowing what you are worth, while understanding what your employer can offer.  The worst thing you can do in this process is ask for a salary and benefits that is significantly higher than the current market.


  1. Remember the Perks

Many people forget to negotiate the extra perks as part of their salary negotiations.  Don’t just focus on the salary, take into consideration the company’s health insurance, paid time off, and ability to telecommute.  Often, these extra perks can be a significant and differentiate one offer from another.



Tips for Getting Your Resume Mobile Resume


Mobile is where the world is headed.  More and more hiring managers and recruiters are using phones, tablets and mobile devices to view resume every day.  Getting your resume mobile ready doesn’t mean a complete redo, but it does mean you want to make sure the layout and content keeps mobile readers engaged.  Here’s how to get your resume mobile ready.

  1. Keep it Simple

In the IT industry, the best way to ensure your resume can be read regardless of the device is to keep it simple.  Avoid columns, crazy color and designs—they can be difficult to read on mobile devices.


Most people view their mobile screen vertically and scrolling down.  You want to make sure your resume fit in the pane of the phone or mobile device.  They font should be basic, like Times New Roman or Arial.


  1. Be Concise

Recruiters and hiring managers are often under a tight deadline and don’t have time to read a long resume. On a mobile phone, people typically have even less patience, so a concise resume is important.


Include all of the information about your career, accomplishments and achievements that pertain to the job opportunity at the top of the resume and leave the less important things at the bottom.  This will ensure that a viewer with limited time gets the most important details concerning your career immediately.


  1. Use Hyperlinks

Standing out is pointless if you make it hard for the recruiter or hiring manager to contact you. Hyperlinks are a great way to link your phone and email, so the viewer can call or email you with one touch within the resume.  If you use social media as part of your job search, use hyperlinks to link to those too.


  1. Test Your Mobile Resume

Anything can go wrong with technology, and the last thing you want to happen is a problem reading or opening your resume. Be sure to test your resume on as many mobile devices as you can including an iPhone, iPad, and Android based phones.



Top 10 Employee Perks


57% of job seekers say perks are a major consideration for accepting a job.  As the desire for perk increase, companies are raising the bar on the type of perks available to their teams.  These are some of the top perks available.


  1. Unlimited Maternity and Paternity Leave—many companies including Netflix offer their employees unlimited time to bond with their baby or adopted children
  2. Unlimited Paid Time Off-many companies including Gravity Payments in Seattle offer employees vacation and sick time as needed
  3. Paid Volunteer Time– Salesforce offers employees six days of paid volunteer time off a year, and if they use all six, they receive a $1,000 grant to donate to a charity of their choice
  4. Annual Travel Stipend– AirBnB offers employees an annual stipend of $2,000 to travel and stay in an Airbnb listing anywhere in the world
  5. Student Loan Consolidation-PwC gives employees $1,200 per year for student loan debt reimbursement
  6. Free Books-Twillo offers employees a Kindle plus $30 a month to purchase books
  7. Snow Days– Burton gives employees a season ski passes and “snow days” to hit the slopes after a big snowfall
  8. Company Funded Life Insurance– Google provides the surviving spouse or partner of a deceased employee 50% of their salary for the next ten years.
  9. Paid Creative Sabbatical– Epic Systems offers employees a paid four-week sabbatical to pursue their creative talents after 5 years at the company
  10. Baby Cash– Facebook provides $4,000 in “Baby Cash” to employees with a newborn
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